Wednesday, May 28, 2014

32 Weeks/Baby Shower #2

32 weeks!! 5 weeks till D-day!

Cutting the cake....My dress still fits! but the tatas were looking a little...wide..HA!!

EH and I celebrated our second Baby Shower over the Memorial Day Weekend and it definitely was not what we expected. It turned out to be a very small gathering of close friends. I'd invited almost 30 people and I would say about 6-10 actually showed up!

EH was very upset about the turnout because he wanted it to be a nice time for me and because we had spent so much money reserving the space and getting food for the event. He was listening to some serious LA gangsta rap the night before and railing against humanity...LOL. I still had a great time with the few friends that were there and I especially got a kick out of EH's reactions when we opened the presents. My hard husband suddenly turned into a teddy bear!

colorful hats
I'm chalking up our low turnout to the fact that our shower was held in the Bronx where we live and folks just didn't want to travel. I have to keep reminding myself that I wanted NO shower in the first place so even having one (or three) is a blessing.

measuring the bump
My bestie and her sisters decorated the space so nicely and everyone enjoyed the food that we ordered and took some home. We're still noshing on leftover food at home! We got to catch up with some friends we hadn't seen in a while and got a bunch of really sweet presents for Ms. W.

EH was soooo excited about the onesies!
After we got home, EH and I laughed and joked about the turnout, including one guest who texted my bestie at 3 in the morning to say they weren't coming. I'm extremely thankful for my bestie who went above and beyond to make the shower fun. We're probably going to send her and her sisters a big bunch of flowers to thank them.

Me and my bestie! Born only two days apart :-)

My Godson M...he's growing up way too fast!
Meanwhile, EH and I are gearing up for yet another trip to Canada this weekend!

Woohooo!! We're headed to Toronto this time to attend the wedding of one of my friends from college. I can't express how excited we are to get outta town for a few days. We're making the 10-hour drive up, with many stops along the way, and also plan to stop by and visit with some friends who live in Canandaigua, NY. We're trying to get as much fun in as we can before Ms. W comes along!


  1. Time is winding up! So excited! The cakes look really good and it looks like you still had a great time. Yes, get as much fun in before Baby W arrives and get some rest too!

  2. Yes, Miranda! I'm really trying to sleep as much as I can and I'm more tired anyway so it works out well!
