Thursday, June 13, 2013

Birthday Celebration and LOLs

So, I wasn't even gonna post anything today because I still have a lobster hangover from my birthday dinner. I tore into that lobster so hard that other diners were staring at me with their mouths open. Standing between a pregnant woman with a food craving is like standing between a lion and its prey...NOT A GOOD IDEA!

This is me getting ready for my lobster...notice my bloated face..that is all

El Hubster has this sad look on his face because the food is taking too long! He barely touched his salad!
My Lobster!! I wish I had an after picture of my hands and face...
All in all my birthday celebration was pretty low key. El Hubster got me a beautiful card and we got to spend some quality time together without being on our phones the entire time.

But seriously though, this is what I actually wanted to post about....

Source: Good Morning America

You can read the article that goes along with this photo here:

But the crux of this is that these folks got married at IKEA!!! Now before we discuss the sheer ratchetness of this, you should know that they met at Ikea so I guess their affinity for the store is warranted. I just would never do something like this!! Maybe I'm boring and I don't think outside the box but I think it was lame, lame, lame. Two positive things came out of this for me (1) Black folk got married....which is rare and (2) they got tons of free stuff from Ikea!! SIGH.....

I should've got married at Pottery Barn.


  1. Happy Belated Birthday! It looks like you had a nice time.

  2. Thanks Miranda! Fun was had by all...except for the Lobster..
